Partitioning Networks
There are multiple lines of thought, all based on, or triggered by, Doreian, Batagelj and Ferligoj, Generalized Blockmodeling, Cambridge, 2005.
On blockmodeling in general
- Satornino, C. Doreian, P. and Allen, A (2017) “The case for adopting blockmodeling in human resource management research: Examples in analyzing social networks and HRM systems”, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol 35, M. Ronald Buckley, Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, Anthony R. Wheeler (Eds.) (in press)
- Prota, L. & Doreian, P. (2016) “Finding roles in sparse economic hierarchies: going beyond regular equivalence”, Social Networks, 45, March: 1-17 Download the Research Paper>
- Anuška Ferligoj, Patrick Doreian and Vladimir Batagelj (2011): “Positions and Roles” Chapter 29 (pp 434-446) in John Scott and Peter Carrington (Eds.) Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Newbury Park: Sage Publications
- Doreian, V. Batagelj and A. Ferligoj (2004), “Generalized Blockmodeling Two-Mode Network Data”, Social Networks, Vol. 26(1) 29-53 Download the Research Paper>
Algorithms for blockmodeling (with Mike Brusco)
- Brusco, M., Doreian, P. & Steinley, D. “Biclustering methods for one-mode asymmetric matrices”, Behavior Research Methods, DOI 10.3758/s13428-015-0587-y (2015) Download the Research Paper>
- Brusco, M. J., & Doreian, P. An exact algorithm for the two-mode KL-means partitioning problem. Journal of Classification, 32: 481-515 (2015) Download the Research Paper>
- Brusco, M. & Doreian, P. “A real-coded genetic algorithm for two-mode KL-means partitioning with application to homogeneity blockmodeling”, Social Networks 41 (2015) 26–35 Download the Research Paper>
- Michael Brusco, Patrick Doreian, Paulette Lloyd, and Douglas Steinley (2013) “A Variable Neighborhood Search Method for a Two-Mode Blockmodeling Problem in Social Network Analysis”, Network Science, 1(2): 191-212 Download the Research Paper>
- Michael Brusco, Patrick Doreian, Douglas Steinley, and Cinthia Satorino (2013): “Multi-objective Blockmodeling for Social Network Analysis”, Psychometrika,78(3), 498-525 Download the Research Paper>
- Michael Brusco, Patrick Doreian, Andrej Mrvar and Douglas Steinley (2012): “An Exact Algorithm for Blockmodeling of Two-Mode Network Data”, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 37: 61–84, 2013 Download the Research Paper>
Measurement error and blockmodeling (with Anja Žnidaršič, Anuška Ferligoj)
- Anja Žnidaršič, Anuška Ferligoj, Patrick Doreian (2017) “Actor non-response in valued social networks: The impact of different non-response treatments on the stability of blockmodels”, Social Networks, 48: 46-56 Download the Research Paper>
- Anja Žnidaršič, Anuška Ferligoj and Patrick Doreian (2012) “Non-response in social networks: The impact of different non-response treatments on the stability of blockmodels.” Social Networks, 34: 438– 450 Download the Research Paper>
- Anja Žnidaršič, Patrick Doreian, and Anuška Ferligoj (2012): “Absent ties in social networks, their treatments, and blockmodeling outcomes”, Metodološki Zverzki, Vol 9(2): 119-138
- Laila Marouf and Patrick Doreian (2010): “Understanding the Information and Knowledge Flow as a Network Process in an Oil Company”, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 9(2): 105-118 Download the Research Paper>